发表于 撰稿人 考特尼·梅兹纳里奇(Courtney Meznarich)

Let’s Hear it for Zachary Rowell, SoCreate’s “So, Write Your Bills Away” Sweepstakes Winner

From nearly 5,000 entries, we are proud to introduce you to 28-year-old Zachary Rowell, SoCreate’s “So, Write Your Bills Away” Sweepstakes winner! Over the next three months (October 2019-December 2019), we’ll pay Zachary’s bills so he can focus on writing a feature-length screenplay, instead of focusing on finances. The best part is that you get to follow along as he does it!

SoCreate's “So, Write Your Bills Away” Sweepstakes winner 28-year-old Zachary Rowell

Zachary made the risky choice to move to California two years ago from his small hometown in Texas to pursue his screenwriting dreams. He makes ends meet through freelance writing projects and Postmates and DoorDash deliveries. He shares a small studio apartment in Los Angeles.

His most recent accomplishment includes scoring an 8 out of 10 on his Blacklist submission “Video Rental,” a pilot script that he shared with us as part of his semi-finalist package. In an earlier interview, Zachary told SoCreate what the prize money would mean to him.

“For the past eight years, I have been fighting for writing jobs on freelancing sites like UpWork just to keep the lights on. This means I’ve accepted some pretty bizarre jobs, including writing a break-up letter for someone and writing voice messages for a virtual Santa,” he explained. “Winning this money will change my life.”

Zachary has a couple of screenplay ideas waiting in the wings, and we are confident he will create an awesome script now that he’ll have the luxury of time to write.  His writing style is hilarious, unique, and relatable, and we think you’ll love it as much as we do.

“This opportunity would give me a clear mind. A mind that doesn’t have to worry about bills, which is something I’ve never experienced in life, even as a child,” he told us.

“We came up with this idea because we wanted to help kick start one screenwriter’s journey and make things just a little bit easier for them,” SoCreate Founder Justin Couto said. “Zachary has shown us that he is a talented screenwriter who needs a break. We’re thrilled to be able to give it to him and watch him flourish.”

Beginning October 1, 2019, Zachary will document his progress to write a feature-length, 90-120-page screenplay from beginning to end. He’ll check in with the writing community every week via blog or vlog to tell us what’s going right, challenges, new ideas, and more.

“Screenwriters often suffer from self-doubt,” said Couto. “We love that other writers will be able to join in Zachary’s process to see that we’re all working through the same challenges, and we’ll all celebrate the successes together.”

Zachary retains all rights to his finished screenplay.

To be considered for the sweepstakes, entrants were asked to submit one sentence detailing why they deserve to win the prize. Nearly 5,000 eager writers applied, and we drew the top 25 randomly. From there, the semi-finalists submitted a letter of recommendation, a cover letter, and a 20-page screenplay sample.

I was thrilled at the level of skill our top 25 showed, and it made it tough to decide on a winner. All 25 (and probably all 5,000 for that matter) are incredibly deserving. From full-time caretakers to veterans employing veterans, the stories of need were varied and compelling.

We had so much fun conducting this initiative, and we hope you’ll follow along as Zachary gets closer to making his screenwriting dreams come true. We'll post his updates on our social channels, including Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook, and you can follow Zachary at @averagezachary on Twitter and Instagram. 

Watch him write his bills away,


Announcing the So Write Your Bills Away Sweepstakes top 25 semi-finalists!

Announcing 25 Semi-Finalists for SoCreate's "So, Write Your Bills Away" Sweepstakes

DRUMROLL Please … We received nearly 5,000 entries from writers who are ready to write their bills away! Here are the top 25 semi-finalists, drawn randomly from all the entries and bonus entries. These top 25 now must submit a cover letter, letter of recommendation, and screenwriting sample for consideration. We’ll select ONE winner on August 30, who will receive $3,000 per month for 3 months to pay their bills so they can finish a 90-120 page screenplay while the writing community follows along! To enter, we asked you to tell us in one sentence why SoCreate should pay your bills, and...

向SoCreate“立即写作(Get Writing)”竞赛的参赛者表达喜爱之情

SoCreate爱作家!在有爱的月份中,我们想要向全球的Socreate社区成员表示我们的喜爱之情,你们为了“立即写作”剧本创作比赛付出了辛苦努力。我们邀请了最早提交作品的参赛者向其他社区成员分享对剧本创作的热爱之情,告诉大家他们热爱剧本创作的哪个方面。我们希望他们的回答能激发你们的灵感,提醒你们每天创作剧本的原因!“我热爱写作,因为写作是电影制作的基石。写作是卓越事物的开端,通过敲打几个按钮,就能使世界、角色和故事栩栩如生。一切从你打出“Fade In”开始,你开始讲述只有你能讲述的故事。这就是我热爱剧本创作的原因,因为我喜欢给大家讲故事。我是电影行业的作家。”马库斯·卢尼(Marcus Looney)...


欢迎所有编剧——无论是资深编剧、新人还是单纯对剧本创作感兴趣,都可以参加!想为自己赢得一台新笔记本电脑吗?比如苹果MacBook Air,微软Surface Laptop超轻薄触控笔记本,或者微软Surface Pro?我们打算送出一台这样的笔记本电脑!我們的SoCreate團隊很自豪地宣布FIRST-EVER SoCreate“寫作”編劇比賽! 所有參賽作品必須通過我們的官方FilmFreeway頁面以電子方式提交。 參賽作品將於2019年1月4日太平洋標準時間上午8:00開始接受,並於2019年3月29日太平洋標準時間晚上11:59結束。请点击此处,访问比赛官方页面,并了解详情!这项比赛就好像我们的剧本创作平台,完全从简单快乐出发,您所要做的只是写出一段有关编剧生活的喜剧对话...
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