Development Blog
Posted on by Courtney Meznarich

Microsoft Adds SoCreate’s Open Source Projects to Service Fabric Best Practices

We may be considered a small software company, but our team is doing BIG things in the industry. Microsoft just added two of SoCreate’s open source projects to its Service Fabric guide for best practices.

Jami Lurock presents to Microsoft

Mark Fussell, Group Program Manager for Microsoft Azure, recently invited SoCreate’s Chief Engineer Jami Lurock to give Microsoft staff a demo on SoCreate Service Fabric Distributed Cache and SoCreate Service Fabric Pub/Sub over a web conference. SoCreate built these open source projects as a way to solve our own challenges while building the SoCreate screenwriting software infrastructure. In addition, we built a third open source project, called Service Fabric Data Protection

Distributed Cache replaces the need to use a stateful service such as Redis or SQL Server as a cache store. Pub/Sub allows developers to reliably broadcast messages between actors and services as publishers and subscribers, for scaling applications.  

Microsoft now recommends both of these SoCreate projects in its Azure Service Fabric Application Design Best Practices.  

“Thank you for creating such amazing Service Fabric projects, which we have been pointing customers at,” Fussell said.  

Thank you, Microsoft for the SoCreate shoutout!  

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