Screenwriting Blog
Posted on by Victoria Lucia

5 Screenwriting Podcasts You Should Add to Your Playlist


Screenwriting PodcastsYou Should Addto Your Playlist

Are you looking to learn more about screenwriting, or maybe just the industry in general? Screenwriting podcasts are a good option and will give you well-rounded advice and viewpoints from various personal perspectives. It’s like having a screenwriting friend, right in your earbuds!

From some of the most experienced writers to development executives who can make or break your career, here are my top five favorite screenwriting podcasts!

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  1. Sam & Jim Go to Hollywood

    While they’re not currently making new episodes, this podcast is still fantastic as it chronicles two writers, Sam Ernst and Jim Dunn, as they move to LA and try to make it as screenwriters. This podcast has a fun and inspiring vibe that’s sure to make all aspiring screenwriters want to take the ultimate chance on their writing! Spoiler: the duo does find success, they sold their supernatural drama, “Haven,” to SYFY in 2010, and have continued to work in the industry since! Listen to the podcast to see how they did it.

  2. ScriptNotes

    Many screenwriters are well aware of John August’s website as a go-to for screenwriting tips and advice. His podcast with Craig Mazin is just as wonderfully helpful! This podcast provides tons of great insider info about the industry. John and Craig cover everything from screenwriting how-to’s, to legal questions, to what’s currently going on in Hollywood.

  3. On The Page

    Pilar Alessandra is an accomplished screenwriting consultant, and her podcast is a welcome addition to her educational screenwriting work. In On The Page, Pilar interviews top industry professionals each week. Pilar doesn’t just delve into the how’s and why’s of writing but also talks a lot about the industry and career strategies with her guests.

  4. On Story

    Described as “a film school in a box,” On Story is an extension of the Austin Film Festival’s many educational outreach programs. On Story is more than a podcast and actually includes a radio show, a television show, a book series, an archive, as well as a website full of beneficial screenwriting information. The podcast is free to access and includes tons of practical advice, as well as helpful writing tips and techniques.

  5. The Q&A

    An incredibly fun and interesting podcast to listen to, Jeff Goldsmith provides in-depth interviews with screenwriters and filmmakers. Jeff’s Q and A’s always give a unique look at the creative process of his guests, and you’ll come away with a greater understanding and appreciation for their work.

Be sure to check out these podcasts when you have a chance. They’re all incredibly entertaining and informative. I can’t recommend them enough! Happy writing!

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