Screenwriting Blog
Posted on by Rylee Beckett

Member Spotlight: Melissa Scott

This week, we’re spotlighting Melissa Scott, a SoCreate member exploring the world of screenwriting. Inspired by the lack of TV shows reflecting her experiences, Melissa began writing and is now developing a TV pilot and nine additional shows.

Melissa’s favorite story is her first book, which explores how thoughts and words can shape reality, a theme drawn from her own life experiences. SoCreate has helped her see her scripts in a professional format, boosting her confidence as she pursues her ambitious goal of writing 100 episodes of her first TV show.

Melissa encourages other writers to try SoCreate, promising they’ll “fall in love with it!”

Read the full interview below to learn more about Melissa's writing journey!

  • What first inspired you to start screenwriting, and how has your journey evolved over time?

    I think not seeing as many TV shows on as I would like to see myself inspired me to attempt screenwriting.

  • What project are you currently working on? What excites you most about it?

    I’m currently working on a tv pilot and 9 additional shows.  I published my 1st book and was thinking about the 2nd book and thought about a tv show instead.  What’s exciting is that I’ve never, ever thought about this until last year and I like to try new things.

  • Do you have a favorite story you've written, why?

    Well, my 1st book is my favorite story because it talks about how powerful a person’s thoughts and words are.  People’s thoughts and words can start to manifest into reality.

  • Has SoCreate shaped the way you write?

    SoCreate has helped me to see my work in the format that screenwriters use, and the industry has come to accept.

  • Do you have any specific routines, rituals, or habits that help you stay creative?

    I’m trying to get into more of a writing routine instead of just writing whenever the “mood” hits me!

  • What does your typical writing process look like, from concept to final draft?

    Since I’ve only published one book that took me almost 10 years from concept to final draft, I don’t have a typical writing process – yet.

  • How do you handle writer’s block or moments when inspiration is hard to find?

    I just free-write whatever comes to mind, not caring about structure or spelling.

  • What has been the most challenging part of your writing journey, and how did you overcome it?

    The most challenging part of my writing journey was finding quiet time and feeling inspired. I overcame this challenge by locking myself in my home office at times.

  • What do you love about SoCreate?

    SoCreate makes me feel like a real screenwriter! Lol. When I print out my document, it feels like I actually know what I’m doing.

  • What is your ultimate goal as a screenwriter?

    My ultimate goal as a screenwriter is to write (and co-write) 100 episodes of my 1st tv show idea.

  • What advice would you give to other screenwriters looking to connect with a platform or community like SoCreate?

    Try it!  You’ll fall in love with it!

  • What’s the best piece of writing advice you’ve ever received, and how has it shaped your work?

    Just do it! The characters will not leave you alone, so you might as well write about them!

  • Can you share a little about how you grew up and where you came from?

    I was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, but raised in Detroit, Michigan, then went back to Cincinnati when I was a sophomore in high school.  So, most of my formative years were spent in Detroit.  My parents divorced when I was about 5, so I went back and forth between households, which was fun and interesting at times.  I lived in the inner city but never felt poor and that I was missing out on anything.  Both of my parents were very active in my life, and I didn’t step out of line too much.

  • How has your personal background or experience influenced the kinds of stories you tell?

    Well, I have thought about & spoken things into existence in my own life (such as what my “dream” home had to have, such as a master bedroom with its own bathroom, 3 bedrooms, at least 1 other bathroom, and a fireplace, etc.; and another example is the career and job I have now.  Over 25 years ago, I had jobs where I had to totally clean off my desk after my shift because another worker had to work there during another shift and I remember praying that one day, I would have my own desk, my own phone, my own computer, etc. and 25 years later, I’m still in my own office.  Just things like this have occurred and made me realize that I could speak things into existence if I really believe and expect my dreams and desires to come true) I’ve also learned to be careful of what I ask for and dream about! Lol

Below is Melissa's book cover for her first book.

Thank you, Melissa, for being this week's SoCreate member spotlight. We’re excited to see where your creative journey takes you next!

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