Screenwriting Blog
Posted on by Courtney Meznarich

Announcing SoCreate Connect, a No-Pressure Way to Meet More Writers!

When we’re dreaming up new ways to help writers, we always think of the essentials: What do writers really need? We’ve tackled the challenge of a steady paycheck (“So, Write Your Bills Away!” and “Screenwriter Stimulus” challenges), quick wins (“SoCreate One-Page Screenplay” contest), and accountability (“Club Motivate with SoCreate”). We write tons of helpful content that’s published weekly to our blog. Next on our to-do list? Networking.

Hold your place in line, writer! We're getting closer to launching SoCreate Screenwriting Software to a limited number of beta testers, from novices to pros. , without leaving this page.

Professional writers and just about any other person with a career in the film and television business will tell you that you won’t go far without connected friends. You can have a ton of talent, a killer portfolio of work, and a bunch of laurels on your resume, but without a strong network, it’s all for naught. But during a global pandemic, this is HARD. And let’s face it: if you’re shy, networking has ALWAYS been hard.

But we want to see you succeed. We want to see you meet people, and we want to meet you, too! No matter your skill level, the number of pages written, produced work, education, or accomplishments, we can all benefit from learning from each other. Plus, it feels good to meet other people who are into the same things you are.

Enter SoCreate Connect.

SoCreate Connect logo featuring a globe with three people in location bubbles

We’re hosting a suuuuper casual and totally free virtual happy hour to simply say hello, what’s up, what are you struggling with creatively, where are you #WINNING, and how can we help? But the Q&A won’t come from us alone. We want everyone to chime in.

Now, there’s no pressure to talk. But we’d love it if you did. We all benefit if everyone shows up as their authentic selves and participates. Just know that SoCreate Connect is a totally safe space filled with your peers who want the very same things that you do – a place to feel welcome, learn, and make connections. No one wants to hear me talk the entire time – it would be far more interesting if we all got in on the conversation. So grab some tea, coffee, a cocktail, or whatever will help you settle in. SoCreate Connect will be no longer than an hour, or we’ll cut it off if we run out of things to talk about that day. And in just that tiny amount of time, we hope you’ll feel a little more fulfilled and a little more inspired.

To get a link to join, send me an email at or a DM on Twitter @SoCreate or Instagram We’ll use Microsoft Teams to connect, which only requires an internet connection, no downloads.

Our next SoCreate Connect is SOON, Thursday afternoon, August 18, at 4 p.m. PST.

I hope to see all your creative faces there. Cheers!

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