Screenwriting Blog
Posted on by Courtney Meznarich

How to Add Story Structure in SoCreate Screenwriting Software

Story structure includes scenes, sequences, acts, films, and series. in SoCreate Screenwriting Software.

To add story structure to your SoCreate story:

  1. Navigate to the right-hand side of your screen and click “add story structure.” A number of options will appear.

  2. Click the story structure element you’d like to add.

  3. Next, select where you’d like that story structure item to appear in your screenplay. For a scene, for example, you can choose between having the scene appear before or after the current scene that you’re working on.

  4. Once you’ve finalized your choice, the new structure item will now appear in your story stream.

Story structure items are easy to drag and drop within your story stream. Just use the drag handles on the bottom right of the stream item.

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