Screenwriting Blog
Posted on by Courtney Meznarich

How to Edit a Location in SoCreate Screenwriting Software

There are two ways to edit locations in your story in SoCreate Screenwriting Software, from either the location pinned at the top of your scene, or from the locations saved in your Story Toolbar.

  1. To edit a location from the Story Toolbar:
    • Hover over the location you wish to edit and click the three-dot menu icon. Then click edit location.
    • From the pop out, you can change the location name, add,or edit the optional description, or change the image location.
    • From within your story stream, edit additional location details such as whether your scene takes place inside or outside.
    • You can also edit the time of day at which your scene is occurring in your location.
  2. To edit a location’s name, description and image from the Location pinned at the top of your scene:
    • Simply click the three-dot menu icon, and click edit location from the pop out.
    • From the pop out, you can change the location name.
    • You can also add or edit the optional description about your location.
    • From here, you can also change the location image.
    • If you’d like to change the location image, you can filter available images by the images you’ve already used in your story.
    • Or, use the Filter By dropdown to see various image collections.
    • Choose from Doodles or real photos.
    • Filter down the results even further by using the search bar to find a location that suits your needs.
    • Choose the image you’d like to use, then click Save Location.

The revised location will now appear in your Location stream item within your story stream, and within the Story Toolbar.

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