Screenwriting Blog
Posted on by Courtney Meznarich

It’s Here! Read Screenwriter Zachary Rowell’s 90-Day Screenplay Challenge Script

At SoCreate, we’re on a mission to make screenwriting fun again, to make it more accessible, and to help writers around the world tell their stories and make their dreams come true. That’s why, before we’ve even launched our software, we’re looking for ways to help writers in any way we can.

In mid-2019, we had an idea: What would happen if we removed a common barrier to success to see if we could kickstart one screenwriter’s dream? We’ve heard from so many of you that it is a struggle to balance jobs and free time for writing and that paying your bills becomes the priority over pursuing your passion. So, what if? What if you didn’t have to pay bills for three months, and instead, you’d have the luxury of time to write?

Well, the screenplay below is the result of one screenwriter getting that chance. Zachary Rowell, 28, from Los Angeles, won our “So, Write Your Bills Away” Sweepstakes, which awarded him $3,000 per month to pay his bills if he promised to write a feature-length script in 90 days. In an early interview, he told us that winning the grand prize would change his life.

SoCreate's “So, Write Your Bills Away” Sweepstakes winner 28-year-old Zachary Rowell

Since October, he’s vlogged his challenges and successes, and sought input and advice from the writing community. He found more confidence in writing drama, honed some hilarious comedic scenes, found a trick to stay positive, and discovered the perfect reward for a job well done. And now, it’s time for the culmination of those efforts.

Read his screenplay

Read his screenplay for “Stillwater Runs Deep” and tell us what you think.

*** Warning: adult humor, language, and content in some scenes.

Read “Stillwater Runs Deep” Here!

If you didn’t see the vlog series, we’ve posted the entire playlist to our SoCreate YouTube Channel, or you can click the links below. We learned a lot from the process, and we hope you will, too.

Stay tuned for future contests like this one, and more exciting updates from SoCreate in 2020!

Happy writing,

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