Are you a writer in search of a spark to ignite your creativity? Completing SoCreate's weekly creative writing prompts can be the perfect way to stimulate your imagination and generate new ideas for your writing!
Ready to tackle this week's challenge? Click here to navigate to a new story on SoCreate, where we’ve already started the first scene for you by adding the location. Begin by adding action, then dialogue, as your story unfolds!
Writing Challenge
Location: INT – The Family Beach House – Evening
Characters: Cori; Drew; Juliana; Chris
Scene Description: The family dinner is progressing smoothly, with Drew (22) passing the mashed potatoes to his sister Cori (32). Middle sister Juliana (30) is about to take a sip of wine when a knock at the door and the sight of Chris standing there makes her nearly spit it out.
Prompt: Who is Chris to these three siblings? His presence triggers an immediate negative reaction from Juliana and Cori towards Drew, leading to a full-blown food fight. Write a scene that describes the exchange of actions and words between the siblings as Chris stands outside the door, watching in surprise.
Extra Credit: Use SoCreate's Notes feature to add notes to yourself about what will take place in each Action Stream Item before you start writing. For example, you could write a Note to yourself that says "Amar needs to throw something to Navi here," if you don't yet know what he will throw. Or "Should Navi make a gesture here?" To make a note, simply click the 'N' in any Action Stream Item editor. Doing so will change everything you write to highlighted blue text while you're in this mode, so you can quickly differentiate Notes from other text. Learn more about using Notes here.
By engaging in this exercise, you can flex your writing muscles in an enjoyable and stimulating way, dedicating just a few minutes each week.
Why You Should Complete SoCreate's Weekly Writing Challenges
By utilizing SoCreate to tackle these creative exercises, you can:
Begin writing instantly
Forget about formatting and let your creativity take the reins
Use your imagination and SoCreate's unique character and location visualization tools to bring the setting and characters to life
Monitor your past creative exercises from your SoCreate dashboard
Expand on these exercises later by adding more content
Cultivate a regular writing habit
By dedicating yourself to a weekly creative exercise, you can refine your writing abilities and nurture your unique voice. You may even discover that these exercises inspire you to venture into new genres and undertake diverse writing projects.
Don't let this exciting opportunity pass you by! Take on the exercise and see where your creativity leads you.
If you're interested in more exercises like this, be sure to check back here each week for a new challenge. You can also visit SoCreate's story idea resources for additional writing inspiration:
By completing these exercises and exploring your creativity, you can enhance your writing skills and experience the thrill of storytelling with SoCreate!