Screenwriting Blog
Posted on by Courtney Meznarich

SoCreate Shoutout to the Sunday Script Club

Sunday Script Club - Prisoners Movie Drawing

The first bullet on SoCreate’s list of values is “always put the writer first.” We do our best every day to support writers, encourage you, help you, and celebrate you. And, when we come across a writer who’s doing the same for other writers, we can’t wait to shout it from the rooftops!

This month, I discovered Sharmini M’s “Sunday Script Club,” and I just had to share. Not only is her material educational and collaborative, but it’s also a visual way to delve into scriptwriting that I’ve yet to see anywhere else. Sharmini, who resides in the UK, uses her artistic talent to break down stories in her journal, so she can better understand the story’s structure, and ultimately, become a better writer. And she wants you to join in on the journey with her! Read our full interview below learn more.

Tell us a little bit about Sunday Script Club – where did the idea come from?

I was once told that the best way to learn about the craft is not only by doing but by reading as many screenplays as you can, so one of my 2019 goals was to read a screenplay each week. Sunday Script Club was created as a place to hold myself accountable and immerse myself in the online screenwriting community. I'm all about visual creativity, so the illustrated journal idea just seemed like the best way to share lessons learned, and also share my process as a screenwriter. I also hoped it would inspire other screenwriters to get involved and share their thoughts etc. so if anyone is interested in joining in with the weekly screenplay read, feel free to DM me on Instagram.

Are you working on any screenwriting projects yourself?

Yes I am, and this one is the most challenging to date. The older I get, the harder screenwriting becomes. I feel that when you're younger, you don’t overthink, you just write to your heart’s content, blissfully unaware. So I’m trying to get back to that. I’m currently working on another feature, almost finished outlining, but not quite ready for 'Fade In’ just yet.

Sunday Script Club - Little Miss Sunshine Drawing

What’s your experience level in screenwriting? Are you a full-time writer, or do you work another job?

I’ve been screenwriting since I was 12. The first screenplay I wrote was an episode of Friends, followed by a modern-day adaptation of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night as my first feature. I honestly don’t know why I found screenwriting the perfect fit for storytelling but it’s always been a great hobby. I'm one of those early risers so I get in my screenwriting time before going to work. One of my goals for this year is to make screenwriting more of a priority and actually see if I can turn this into a career (it makes me laugh even typing it because it seems like such a far off reality, but we’ll see!).

Your notebook of art and screenplay analysis is so beautiful! Does this help you process a screenplay, or is it more to help other people better understand the concepts?

Thank you! Yes, it definitely helps me process a screenplay. I’ve read countless screenplays over the years, but I never really took the time to stop and analyse them. I’d make notes here and there but never really dug deep and uncovered the story structure or characters etc. and this year I’m all about as learning as much as I can. I love visualizing/illustrating the things I’ve learnt, it’s actually really therapeutic. If it helps other people, that’s great! I hope it encourages other people to dig deeper into their own screenplays too.

What’s your goal for Sunday Script Club? What do you see it becoming?

Great question, but honestly something I’ve never thought about before. I guess I created this account / blog as a place to document my own screenwriting story, and hold myself accountable to read a new screenplay each week - also encouraging other screenwriters to do the same, and open up conversations about writing / storytelling, and to create a little community that’s all about the love of screenwriting and storytelling. Who knows where it will go - I’m excited to see! 

Want to join Sunday Script Club? Head over to Sharmini’s website,, to sign up for the weekly screenplay challenge.

Stay up to date on all of Sharmini’s fun illustrations by following along on Instagram @SundayScriptClub and Twitter @Sharmini_M.

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